Sunday, July 14, 2013

Verdict is in

After a few hours, I have calmed down enough to compose a logical message. The news of George Zimmerman being found not guilty for the obvious murder of a young teenage black boy, did not surprise me. However, the verdict still sparked a fire inside of me.  Throughout the Trayvon Martin trial, it was clear to me that he was going to get off.  Zimmerman was going to walk out the courtroom a free man because he was just carrying out he normal behavior of this country.  As I kept up with the news and tracked my social media timeline, I saw that people were still unable to grasp the totality of what this case meant.  Yes, the actions of Zimmerman are disgusting, but what we should be more appalled with is the fact this case showed in 2013 nothing inside of this "great country" has changed.

America was built on murder, to be more specific, the murder of African people. What this case proved was that today, in 2013 with your silent black president, the African body still means nothing. I would like for people to take a look at what is important here in these states and recognize, that it is not you. Whether you are black or white, hispanic or asian. If you are a breathing living creature, you do not matter in this country.  With that being said, I bring the focus back to African people because we are a group that has been severely oppressed and will continue to be if we do not get ourselves straight.  We can not continue to rely on this country to have our backs.  We can not continue to rely on this country to bring about justice and or peace.  We can and must only rely on ourselves.  

While people are trying to figure out what to do, I am displeased with the answer being to riot.  Why have I not heard anything about establishing unity?  Coming together as one should ALWAYS be the first step in taking action. Working as a unit and having solidarity is the best way to get through times like this.  Furthermore, operating as a people is what we need to demonstrate that we mean business.  How can we ever expect others to respect our minds, bodies, rights, families, children, women, and men if we are unable to do that for ourselves?  Our attention needs to be on the following: 1) Unity/Community- this would be inclusive of strengthening our relationships and families, and forging better platonic bonds where we don't have hate from woman to woman, or man to man, or woman to man, and man to woman. 2) Education and Economy and 3) Health and spirituality. This trial was an indication that we are still in a struggle!  We are still struggling with ourselves and answers will not be found in contentment and the constant begging of approval from a country that will never and has never accepted you!  Our dependency on grand wizard America is gross. Our mind set is disturbing and we need to break away from it immediately. 

While we work on reclaiming our greatness as a people, the global community has a job to do as well!  People of all races and ethic backgrounds should be filled with emotion and start taking action.  Wrong is wrong, and right is right.  What happened with Trayvon Martin was WRONG.   There is no other way to put it.  In order to have a transformation, we as human beings have to stop perpetuating these ridiculous ideologies that have been placed on groups of people.  I do believe that my generation and the generation after us have a fighting chance at doing this.  We have a fighting chance at transforming many issues that plague this society from race to poverty.  I hope that in my lifetime I am able to see the destruction of the tyranny we are under.  I hope that we are able to create a brighter future for our children where they are not gunned down with snacks, burdened with insane debt, or spied on.  We should want to implement a better way to live- if we don't, then we have done a grave injustice to ourselves and those who come after us!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Stacyann Chin- Such a BEAST (in a good way)

Last night, I had the opportunity to go see a live reading by poets and authors at an event called Vona. Amongst them were writers such as Junot Diaz, Jimmy Santiago Baca, David Mura, Faith Adiele, Ruth Forman, and my personal favorite, Stacyann Chin.

All of the writers were amazing, but this particular piece by Stacyann was just phenomenal!  Stacyann is a spoken word poet, performing artist and LGBT rights activist.  She has the most adorable baby girl and is just a thorough ass WOMAN.  She got up on stage last night ( I wish I could have recorded it, but I wasn't ready- I know... I got caught slippin) and told us about a tweet this man sent her that read: You're a dirty carpet munching cunt that belongs in my kitchen, washing my dishes and cock. Write a poem about that....”  and so she did.  I found a video of her performing the poem and I got the words just in case you need to that too.  ENJOY

you are a rotting dick/an ass wipe
an open sore existing
among the worst tumors that plague humanity

you are an apology someone should have made
to women
centuries ago

today you remain
a very good reason abortions should be legal
and available
to every woman who finds herself
carrying the figurative fetus of your fetid misogyny

get the fuck out of my womb
you hater of your own origin
you forget you came from some woman’s cunt
the pussy you so deride
provided path for you
to get here spewing such sick soliloquy

your existence
makes a good argument for capital punishment
only I hold myself
accountable to a more compassionate code of ethics
so I refrain from advocating
for the archaic quartering of you
I will also resist the urge
to imagine you shackled in sequestered servitude
kneeling at the altar of some woman’s holy cunt
washing her feet with your mouth
I would not wish her the degradation
of your tongue on her flesh
your feet on her floors

you are the thing I will spend my entire life
trying to protect my daughter
from/the slime of your ignorance
the sweat of your hate
coward that you are
hiding behind the intangible shroud of the virtual
your keystrokes are the only ones with any power
unimportant little man
you splatter the male identity
with the putridity you exude
rotting apple/gonorrheal wound
refusing to heal/you would have us conclude
that most people with penises are like you

but for the stellar examples of men in my life
I would think you the norm
your actions would inform the love I cradle
for the small boys in my circle
earnestly learning
how to be better than the monster you are

far and away
fairy tales and fiction pervade what they know of vaginas
valuing virginity over the virtue of being fair
bravado over advocating for equality
you make me wish I had a son
to personally prove your antithesis possible

you frighten me
with your ability to keep breathing
your inclination to replicate
to recruit
to keep pressing the boot of your discrimination
upon the necks of generation after generation
after generation

the only thing that prevents me from raising arms
and going guerrilla after you with guns
is our collective dedication
to the eradication of your kind
across all the borders of feminism
and race
and spaces held wire against the throat of equality
women resist heart and body
cunts and collarbones
kitchens and bedrooms
we rebuke all you offer as fact
the act of tweeting something does not make true

you are only a narrow opinion
constructed poorly
one hundred forty characters/your cavalry
is not nearly as committed as mine
you and your cronies were contrived
to keep the best parts of us broken
these poems you and your drones continue to encourage
these litanies I continue to compose
will stand as evidence your crumbling tyranny
time will hold your actions
your utterances
as shameful

as it was with every disease before you
the strongest/most admirable parts of being human
will keep adapting/over and over
history has already shown us
what doesn’t kill us/will make our resistance stronger
however unpleasant
the uphill task of surviving you as pandemic
can only make our species more immune

motherfucker/your cavalry/is not nearly as committed as mine

Sunday, June 9, 2013

1st June Sunday

My taste buds have evolved. I am now in support of red wines. It's baby steps, but this Gnarley Head Cabernet Sauvignon is delish. 

U R The Reason I am Feelin' So High

Water to Wine

The passing of Amy Winehouse left me feeling empty-musically of course. But then, here comes Lorine Chia. While perusing, I found this "Cameroon Native" . To me, is something like a mix between Amy and Ms. Jilly from Philly.  Listening to Water To Wine, I got the raspy voice, like that of Amy, and the poetic lyrics of Jill. Lets just say, I am every bit of satisfied. To download her mixtape, which I suggest, visit  Enjoy Y'all- don't say I never gave you nothing.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Glitter Trap

"Pray" x SZA

 What is "Glitter Trap"?- I would say a mixture of bass and RnB. A combination that I am oh too happy with.

Friday, May 3, 2013

A Bounty on Your Head

- For sister Assata and the rest of you too -

You came into this world with a bounty on your head.
Born with "Black skin" although you are a soft brown.
Coils about your crown.
Spirit bright
Mind profound

So you discovered truth.
Understood that Black bodies weren't bullet proof. 
Black necks are only but so strong
and freedom songs don't right all wrongs.
You knew that turning cheeks didn't stop nobody from getting that ass beat.

I'm sure there was fear, after all you have a bounty on your head.
But, you did what I would have done
Took up defense against those who trespassed you.
Denied your family the ability to eat.
Had your people shaken with fear in the streets
terrified of the oppressors terror.
You knew it was time to get up.

Time to inform the people
and feed the people
both knowledge and food.
But as your name, you would have to struggle
with a crown and bounty on your head.

Chile! Look what you done did.
Your net worth right now is 2 million.
New Jersey saying you violent, with no evidence around it.
Say they coming in the name of justice
and they don't care how long it takes, they expecting you to pay.
If you happen to die before they get ya, I suspect they'll dig your body up before it hits the grave.
No time to decompose
Tie ya up so everyone knows " Any nigga, anytime, can GO!"

You better stop living out in the open, showing you free.
Stop it now, cuz you got them worried.
They can't have us out here thinking we human
Imagine us rising up every time a family portrait is ruined.

There's a bounty on your head!
They wanna smother you in red
make you an example for the rest of us to stop and be appreciative for the scraps we got.
They need you to be forgot!
All your teachings gotta to be untaught.
Your death is being bought.

40 years later and there's still a struggle.
Unfortunately, not all have received the memo.
No worries, the message is trickling.
Its stamped in the image of Kendrick Johnson and all our children
Affects our friends and bleeds through the music.

The message is clear: FREEDOM IS STILL NOT HERE.
It’s spelled out on bank receipts
and feeds on the empty belly.
The message is inscribed on the bricks of demolished schools.
It travels through veins, rings effortlessly in fired up crack pipes.
You can hear it echo in broken homes
see it in stereotypes.
In the silence it screams " DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE"

Cuz this fight aint done.
Not for no one with a bounty on their head. 
Born with "Black skin" although you are a soft brown
Coils about your crown
Spirit bright and mind profound

It aint over for none of us, despite what it seems.
Wipe the sleep from your eyes of the " American Dream"
Look up-reach high
Ah shit, you found your bounty- its about damn time!