America was built on murder, to be more specific, the murder of African people. What this case proved was that today, in 2013 with your silent black president, the African body still means nothing. I would like for people to take a look at what is important here in these states and recognize, that it is not you. Whether you are black or white, hispanic or asian. If you are a breathing living creature, you do not matter in this country. With that being said, I bring the focus back to African people because we are a group that has been severely oppressed and will continue to be if we do not get ourselves straight. We can not continue to rely on this country to have our backs. We can not continue to rely on this country to bring about justice and or peace. We can and must only rely on ourselves.
While people are trying to figure out what to do, I am displeased with the answer being to riot. Why have I not heard anything about establishing unity? Coming together as one should ALWAYS be the first step in taking action. Working as a unit and having solidarity is the best way to get through times like this. Furthermore, operating as a people is what we need to demonstrate that we mean business. How can we ever expect others to respect our minds, bodies, rights, families, children, women, and men if we are unable to do that for ourselves? Our attention needs to be on the following: 1) Unity/Community- this would be inclusive of strengthening our relationships and families, and forging better platonic bonds where we don't have hate from woman to woman, or man to man, or woman to man, and man to woman. 2) Education and Economy and 3) Health and spirituality. This trial was an indication that we are still in a struggle! We are still struggling with ourselves and answers will not be found in contentment and the constant begging of approval from a country that will never and has never accepted you! Our dependency on grand wizard America is gross. Our mind set is disturbing and we need to break away from it immediately.
While we work on reclaiming our greatness as a people, the global community has a job to do as well! People of all races and ethic backgrounds should be filled with emotion and start taking action. Wrong is wrong, and right is right. What happened with Trayvon Martin was WRONG. There is no other way to put it. In order to have a transformation, we as human beings have to stop perpetuating these ridiculous ideologies that have been placed on groups of people. I do believe that my generation and the generation after us have a fighting chance at doing this. We have a fighting chance at transforming many issues that plague this society from race to poverty. I hope that in my lifetime I am able to see the destruction of the tyranny we are under. I hope that we are able to create a brighter future for our children where they are not gunned down with snacks, burdened with insane debt, or spied on. We should want to implement a better way to live- if we don't, then we have done a grave injustice to ourselves and those who come after us!
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