1) Obama was not as "aggressive" or forthcoming. Perhaps this is because he didn't want to be seen as the angry black man, or he is saving his energy for another day, or he just feels like 'I'm the President, so I ain't worried". Whatever the case may be, I think that we are at a critical time with the economy being as shitty as it is, education almost meaning nothing, and our health being seen as a non-factor. On account of those few things alone, its is vital that Obama be as pushy with his ideas and plans as possible. We need to know how this whole thing is about to go down. I like Obama, but I am also critical of him - as we all should be. With that being said, I just want someone to be straight up with me. Do not dance around problems as if we, the people, can't see them. Bringing me to my next point.
2) Obama did not deliver as well as he could have, but at least he delivered something. Romney was a mess. He talked in circles, that's right, circles. For some reason, people on my TL (Timeline... as in twitter for those of us who have not taken a step into social media for real) really felt that Romney "did his thing". Just because this man was rude towards the poor old, pitiful moderator, does not mean he "did his thing". Actually, Romney demonstrated even more that he doesn't know what the fuck is going on and he may have a slight case of amnesia. All of a sudden, Romney cares about the middle class. Um, since when? Oh, since you got on the stage and tried to used that as your platform to sway the middle class to believe in your bullshit. I hope for the sake of my generation and those to follow, we are able to see that this was nothing more than a ploy. Romney is not interested in the middle class. He is a rich republican who win or lose, will return to his home where he does okay just like the rest of his rich friends that he mentioned last night.
3) To go on further about Romney, he made a lot of Sesame Street fans and children upset! I bring this up to say, HELLO...here is a hint that he doesn't even care about the education of our youngsters. Sike- I kid, sort of. But on a serious note, these were the types of things that Romney did last night. He would make corny jokes, duck and dodge questions, talk for ever and by the end of his statement, the audience still didn't have a clear understanding of what his plan was or what he really did believe in. I am still trying to figure out what it all meant. It gave me a headache to be quite frank.
There are many more points to be argued, but I'm not really in the business of discussing politics too heavy. I am not political science major or expert, but I do pay attention to what is happening around us and we are living in some scary times. It is imperative that we keep our eyes open and make a well informed decision when it comes time to vote. Do not be afraid to pick at each candidate's plan and be sure to read up on the facts that they spew while on stage. I believe some incorrect "facts" where thrown around last night- I'm just saying. There are too many resources out there for us, the citizens of this country, to take everything that is said to us as undisputed truth. I encourage people to conduct their own research, if you did, I'm almost sure you would find that things may be worse than you imagined. We can not continue to embrace this "ignorance is bliss" nonsense. So far ignorance has left a lot of suckas broke, uneducated, homeless, hungry, sick and depressed! I am NOT about that life.
For those who missed the debate because you didn't have cable, or weren't at home, or passed out on account of that crazy debate drinking game.... here is a link to it.
Be Love, Peace and Light Ya'll
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