Thursday, October 25, 2012

Where is the Love?

Where to start? First and foremost, I am horribly disgusted! I can not stress enough how bothered I am by abuse. Furthermore, I can not stomach the idea that some people find videos like this funny. A few weeks ago, I watched the super "hilarious uppercut". I did not find anything about that to be amusing. As mature adults, we should be able to see something like the Ohio incident or this young man, known as Lil Reese, and automatically know that there is an issue.  An issue that is no joking matter. The problem is not just the fact that we are witnessing men abuse women, but women abusing men. The larger picture illustrates that we have to address violence, and more specifically, violence within our community.  It pains my heart in a way that I can not explain, to watch black folk inflict pain upon ourselves. The hate and misplaced anger is outrageous and instead of finding such acts to be funny, we really need to think about how abuse/violence/hate/anger will lead to the erasure of our people. We have men beating on women, we have children killing each other as a result of gang violence, we have men and women locked away, children left to raise themselves, disconnects amongst the old and young, a lack of family units or a feeling of general kinship- the list goes on. I most certainly do not have all the answers, and I wish I did, but I do know that laughing and encouraging this type of behavior is deadly. It's deadly to that young man, that young woman ( who is the mother of his child by the way) and our community as a whole. 

"Scary" is the only word I know for the day and age we are living in. We are too insensitive and removed from the realities of the world. People die. I don't think that is understood. Die- wiped from the earth- and for what? I don't know what Lil Reese and his baby mother were arguing about, but to come into her space, threaten her, punch her and then commence to stomping her out is barbaric.  It is also a reflection of how jacked up things have gotten. Where is the guidance and better yet, where is the Love? May seem corny, but love is what is missing. Love for ourselves and love for others. It is clear that when we see footage like this, those persons involved need love and help. 

There is so much that can be said, but my thoughts aren't all here. Its just pitiful to know that there are videos like this circulating the web and that people will still support this young man, when he needs to be counseled.  I can not support anyone who inflicts unnecessary pain upon another. You fight to defend yourself. Period. Point. Blank. I certainly can not endorse the destruction of a Great People.  With that said, all I can do is pray and keep trying to educate myself and others who want to be informed. I hope that we reach a point where we realize we won't need "the man" to break us down or kill us off, because we are doing a fine job ourselves.  The shit has to stop. 

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